Rare Look Inside the New ChatGPT-5 Launch 

New chip holds monopoly in $7 Trillion market (Not Nvidia)


Nvidia may hold a monopoly in the AI chip industry… But there's another company with a chip monopoly that has nothing to do with AI…  And believe it or not… This little known company could generate Nvidia sized gains for those who get in early. Do you see this chip right here? 

It might not look like much… But that chip is set to revolutionize a $7 Trillion industry in the next few years. According to Bill Gates… “This is as revolutionary as the personal computer, the Internet, and the mobile phone.” And there's one tiny company who holds the patents to this groundbreaking innovation… Click here to get all of the details.

By Chris Campbell

We're on the cusp of an AI upheaval that will make the Industrial Revolution look like the Revolt of the Sloths.

Without question, a most important figure in the rise of AI is Sam Altman, the mastermind behind OpenAI.

Altman doesn’t do interviews often. But this week, he sat down with Lex Friedman.

I listened to the whole thing on my ride to the airport, so you don’t have to.

In it, Altman pulled back the curtain on his predictions for the coming decade.

Let’s take a look.

Altman’s Crystal Balls

Not all of these predictions are going to shatter your psyche with their profundity.

Some are kinda platitudinous and predictable (#3, #7). Others are interesting to ponder (#1, #4, #6)…

But the LAST one — (#8) — has the most actionable profit potential.

(If you’ve been with us for a while, you’ll know EXACTLY why.)

Prediction #1: By 2030 (or even sooner), we'll have AI systems so advanced it will boggle the mind.

It won’t be the Kurzweilian “Singularity” where we merge our minds with AI and become part of the digital blob.


It will be a great assistant. And that’s more than enough.

(Think: IronMan’s JARVIS.)

On a shorter timeline, Altman predicts GPT-5 — coming relatively soon — will make GPT-4 look like a flip phone.

But here's the kicker:

Prediction #2: The road to Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is going to be a brutal power struggle.

Whoever reaches that summit first will wield godlike influence.

Altman isn't sugar-coating the stakes — this is a game of thrones, and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

Yet amidst the looming shadow of an AGI arms race, Altman sees glimmers of hope.

Prediction #3: Altman envisions a future where AI doesn't just transform our world, but elevates the human spirit to new heights.

When AI can supercharge scientific discovery, it will raise living and health standards beyond most have seen or can imagine.

Speaking of imagination…

Prediction #4: Imagine an AI that knows you better than your therapist, with a context window stretching back billions of tokens. (Translation: with a near-infallible long-term memory.)

Studies already reveal that we’re more comfortable opening up to an AI therapist than a human therapist. (Makes sense.)

With the right privacy protections and local AI tech (hardware), I think having your own AI is a great idea.

It's like having a digital soulmate, one that evolves with you over a lifetime.

Programmers, don't fret — you'll still have a role, but you might be coding in plain English.

And if Altman's crystal ball is accurate…

Prediction #5: We'll be sharing our streets with humanoid robots, as AGI breathes life into machines.


Prediction #6: GPT-4 or 5, remarkable as they might be, likely won't be the catalyst for this seismic shift.

That honor will go to its successors, AI systems so profound, they'll rival the impact of Google Search.

Prediction #7: Altman predicts most of the dystopian and negative predictions of AI are purely “theatrical” — he's convinced the good will far outweigh the bad.

He’s biased. But we agree.

Now, the pièce de résistance: compute.

Prediction #8: Altman says computers will be the currency of the future, the most precious resource on the planet.

As the world hungers for more and more computational power, those who control the computer will hold the keys to the kingdom.

So, how do you get in on this action?

Rhymes With Chlamydia

WELL… you could do what everyone else is doing.

For example, pile into the big hardware companies already on everyone’s radar.

(One happens to rhyme with chlamydia.)


You COULD invest in the cloud titans.

(Those rhyme with Foogle, Flamazon, and Flicrofoft.)


If you do, you might regret sleeping on the plucky startups racing to build the wild things: AI accelerators, neuromorphic chips, and magnetronic flipper flappers.

These are the wild cards that could upset the silicon status quo.

According to Altman…

The future belongs to those who dare to dream in petaflops.

BREAKING: Bill Gates Says It's “Worth 10 Microsofts”


Have you jumped on the AI gravy train yet? So far this year: 

  • Microsoft is up 36%…
  • Amazon is up 62%…
  • Apple is up 44%…
  • Google (Alphabet) is up nearly 50%…
  • And Nvidia is up a whopping 203%.

Speaking of Microsoft… Fortune reports that former CEO Bill Gates is got $2 billion richer after Microsoft mentioned AI 50 times on its earnings call. But here's a surprise. I believe the biggest winner of all could be what I call the $3 AI Wonder Stock. Incredibly, this company is still a minnow in the ocean… With a market cap less than 1/1,000th that of Microsoft. It's your chance to join the big boys before AI gets absolutely massive. The best way to do it? Click here to view my Free Presentation, and get your hands on the $3 AI Wonder Stock that could make you super-rich (plus a whole lot more) Don't delay. This is a fast-moving opportunity. WATCH MY BULLETIN NOW.

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Elon Musk's "Project Omega"

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