This Little Known “SF 2801” Form Could Unlock The Retirement of Your Dreams

If you collect, or will soon collect Social Security, this developing story deserves your full and immediate attention.

Thanks to a former Social Security Commissioner, we now know…

A select group of D.C. elites do NOT collect Social Security. 351 Congressmen and thousands of insiders instead have access to a secret alternative—one that pays up to $11,334 every month, for life.

That’s 10 times MORE than the average Social Security check…

And they’ve forbidden the public from accessing this incredible income source by law.

So, it’s no surprise the New York Times says Congressmen “shy away from talking about” this alternative. Or that it’s “shrouded in secrecy,” as the Des Moines register reports.

And you won’t be surprised to see who’s involved…

This President was behind the greatest scandal in political history. He collected $200,000 (in today’s money), annually, from this Social Security alternative.

His close confidant collected an estimated $4.1 million.

And there are dozens more—including D.C. insiders serving jail time. (Details here.)


This is D.C.’s alternative. It has nothing to do with ordinary Social Security. It’s different and far superior in every way.

As one insider put it:

This is Social Security on steroids.

And now, I’d like to show you the backdoor I’ve just discovered that will allow you to claim what’s rightfully yours.

It doesn’t matter if you’re retired or still working… whether you already claim retirement or social security checks… chances are, this strategy could greatly augment your retirement.*

Click here now for the full story…